Dust Removal and High Cleaning Experts | Ph: 604-442-3878

Commercial and Retail

Overhead and hard to reach cleaning in commercial and retail spaces

Whether it’s the beautiful foyer of a luxury apartment building, the lighting fixtures in a grocery store, or the industrial chic duct work at a restaurant or fitness facility, keeping it clean is essential to maintaining brand value.

Our brand value is taking care of the cleaning that is difficult or unsafe for your regular crew to attempt.

We have lift equipment, safety equipment, and professionals fully trained in high altitude manoeuvres. We will also protect your patrons and furnishings from any falling debris.

With customized filtered vacuums and specialized cleaning tools, our efficient staff will give you back that upscale polish that is so appealing.

For restaurants, care homes, and others who operate a commercial kitchen, our services also include grease removal from your kitchen hood, floors and walls, mitigating the risk of fire and danger of slipping.

You can request a free quote here, or just give us a call at 604-442-3878.

Some helpful links:

Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis

Dangers of Dust in the Workplace and How To Handle It

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